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Olá, Sou António Gonçalves
PHP Full Stack Developer

My hobbies includes, go to the beach, reading.

Sobre Mim

Highly proficient in Software Development, focused on Full Stack development, with 6 years of experience on PHP using Laravel, JavaScript, 3 years on React Native and Vue.js, 1 years on Java (Android Native Development). Experience on C#, .NET Core, and TypeScript. I’ve been working on several projects….

Minhas Abilidades

Desenvolvimento Front-end

Working daily with technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and Livewire.

Desenvolvimento Back-End

Using Laravel Framework, with different strategies to optimize queries.

Aplicações Móveis

Experience using Java for native and React Native for hybrid Android development.

Experiência Leva a Perfeição

Already contributed to more than 10 open source projects in the open source community.

Eu gosto de criar códigos que sejam fácil de entender, de fácil manutenção, reutilizável, e que seja sobretudo com uma boa performance. Bem, eu tento...

Prefere ver no código ? Dá uma vista de olhos no meu perfil de github here.

Fronted 25%
Backend 60%
Mobile 15%
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